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The blog is written by Häme University of Applied Science (HAMK) student group: Jaana Ellonen, Elina Järvinen, Matti Kuusi, Suvi Perkkiö, Sini Sangi & Merja Leikkainen. How people choose their place of residence? What keeps them in there? How to find a new glow to the fading places? It needs more than a few houses to make a vital rural community. Community is a bigger group of...
The blog is written by Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) student group: Maija Moisander, Veli-Pekka Korhonen, Paula Lamminsuo, Heini Tauriainen, Kaarle Pirttiniemi and Jouni Hiltunen. The ways to increase the attractiveness of rural areas are diverse. Services mean a lot, but also image, community spirit, e-services and environmental values can have an impact. What...

PoliRural project is a Horizon2020 funded project that researches, innovates, and delivers novel solutions to future-oriented collaborative policy...

One key element at the project is local stakeholder panels which engage diverse, multi-actor stakeholders that are attached to rural areas either...

Semantic Explorer (SemEx) is one of the technical and innovative outputs of the PoliRural research project financed by the Horizon2020 Program of...