
Monaghan - Ireland



Monaghan - Ireland

County Monaghan is a mainly rural county in Ireland (shown in dark green in the diagram). It is part of the Border Region and is in the province of Ulster. Monaghan County Council is the local authority for the county. According to the 2016 census, the county had a population of 61,386 people. It is the fifth smallest of the Irish Republic’s 26 counties in area (1295km2) and fourth smallest by population, with only 37% of the County’s population living within an urban area. It is bound by Counties Cavan, Meath, Louth, Armagh, Tyrone and Fermanagh. It is strategically located on the Donegal/Derry – Dublin corridor, adjacent to the M1 corridor and has strong links to Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. The County is predominantly rural with a quality drumlin landscape interspersed with wetlands and woodlands..




Based on the highly innovative PoliRural approach, project sharing and learning best-practice from other regions, the overall ambition is to explore the potential of non-traditional entrants to enter farming in County Monaghan. The project research will explore the motivation and potential for such new entrants into the farming sector and what supports they need to effectively become a farmer or to work in the farming sector

Expected outputs


The aim is to create a new support service, “I want to be a Farmer”, for nontraditional entrants to farming and looking at what supports they may need to effectively become a farmer or to work in the farming sector. This service will be targeted at:

Irish people without a farming background

New community members who may be interested in pursuing a career in farming

People who have immigrated to Ireland from other countries (many from Eastern European countries), mostly young people and some of whom already have a farming background

Expected impact (qualitative)


There is currently no such support service in Ireland or even policies to do so, so a direct impact will be new non-traditional entrants into the farming sector in County Monaghan, and a best-practice service that can be adopted and affect policies in other regions and EU Member States.


Policy makers




New entrants



Progress bar

Progress bar can help orient the user in terms of what the pilot was doing, what is happening now and what will happen in the future. While the structure of the bar will be the same for all pilots, its content will differ from pilot to pilot. A dynamic front end with a predetermined colour scheme can be used to differentiate past, present and future, like in the graphic below.


NEEDS gathering


Policy matching


Policy evaluation


Future outlook


Mission orientation

Monaghan - outcome

Irish team



Meet the Irish Pilot team!


Monaghan pilot Leader

Monaghan Integrated Development
Partner Organisation



Calendarios de POLIRURAL Hub


Foros de discusión (Monaghan - Ireland)

Climate Action, Biodiversity and Sustainability

John Joseph O'Flaherty, modificado hace 3 años.

Climate Action, Biodiversity and Sustainability

Youngling Mensajes: 3 Fecha de incorporación: 22/01/20 Mensajes recientes
Climate Action, Biodiversity and Sustainability