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Open Bioeconomy Week (OBW) 2021 - Call for abstracts

The organizing committee is following the current COVID-19 situation closely. The event will be organized as a hybrid, combining online and face-to-face participation if the pandemic situation allows. Online participation will be possible throughout the scientific programme of the event.

We would like to invite you to the 2nd Open Bioeconomy Week (OBW) to be held in Hämeenlinna, Finland on 25th and 26th of May 2021.

The conference aims to highlight the current research innovations, trends and future of bioeconomy through the lens of digitalization and data utilization. The key focus is to highlight the paradigm shift digitalization can bring in the field of bioeconomy. To accomplish this, the event aims to bring different academics, researchers, stakeholders, policymakers, business representatives and the society to discuss and understand the role and the impact digitalization can make in development of bioeconomy and hence towards a sustainable future.

The event is supported by the Regional Council of Häme with the regional enterprises and other organizations working within the bioeconomy sector. Together with HAMK the organizing committee of the event consist of the leading national research and innovation organizations such as Aalto University, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and University of Helsinki.

Open bioeconomy Week will annually be built around the themes of utilization of digitalization in the development of bioeconomy research, innovations and business. However, the subthemes will change annually. In the year 2021, the themes of the Open Bioeconomy Week will cover Data Collection and Utilization in Bioeconomy.

Under the umbrella of our main theme Data Collection and Utilization in Bioeconomy, it is further divided into following sub themes:

  • Nature Based Solutions and Digitalization
    Eg: Green Cities in Carbon Sequestration; Digital solutions in measuring/enhancing quality of waters and carbon farming
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Preservation, Measurement and Digital Tools
  • Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy
    E.g. Observatory networks, bioeconomy data fusion and utilization, and data-driven quality control in agri-food area
  • Utilization of digitalization in achieving UN sustainable development goals
  • European Green Deal Thematic Areas
    Eg: Industry for a clean and circular economy, Farm to Fork, Increasing Climate Ambition

Call for abstracts

The scientific committee, composed of recognized experts from the global bioeconomy and digitalization community is committed to select the best papers and maintain a high scientific level conference. The call for abstracts is now open and proposals of 500 words maximum should be submitted to bioeconomyweek@hamk.fi by 10th April 2021 at the latest. The approval will be announced before 30th April 2021. The final oral presentations should arrive at bioeconomyweek@hamk.fi on 10th May 2021 at the latest.

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the presentations and selected presentations are invited to write the final version, which can be submitted to the following journals (through peer-review):

HAMK Unlimited

The conference accepts posters as well. The proposals (an abstract of max. 300 words) should arrive to bioeconomyweek@hamk.fi on the 10th April 2021 the latest. Please indicate the interest in poster presentation in the title of the e-mail.
At least one of the authors both in oral presentations and posters must be registered in the conference.

Important dates



Final presentations - 10th May 2021

Source: https://openbioeconomyweek.org/call-for-abstracts-2021/



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The overall ambition is to design, develop and introduce a platform that which will be modified on the base of real experiences during the project and prepare complex solutions, transferable to pilots and other regions. In addition to that, Polirural DIH aims to offer a solution for the global promotion of pilots. This DIH integrated technology, datasets and libraries in one infrastructure with a complex user-oriented portal in the Web environment. The DIH can connect end-users with developers or researchers to improve the impact of the demo applications or case studies by short-chain feedback from end-users. End users can join larger communities around the DIH to get advice, cooperation potential and access to modern technologies utilisation.


Polirural DIH AIMS TO

Provide a social space for a community of practices

Promote pilots work and support access to their analysis

Promote existing best practices

Offer new tools and technologies for testing

Provide access to digital technologies and competencies

Provide access to infrastructure and tests digital innovations (“test before invest”)

Support effective data management

Provide development playground for map-based projects

Offer training and skills development

Help in networking and connecting users and suppliers of digital innovations