
Central Bohemian Region - Czech Republic



Central Bohemian Region - Czech Republic

The Central Bohemian Region is the biggest region of the Czech Republic (according to the dimension - 10 929 km²/ 14 % of the Czech Republic - and population - 1 377 000 inhabitants/12,86 % of the Czech Republic). The Central Bohemian Region has no natural center (as other regions), but for this region the natural center is the capital city.



The overall ambition of the pilot is to support the sustainability and resilience of rural areas via using new modern technologies/methods, boost the attractivity of rural areas for current rural population and newcomers and make policy-making processes in these fields more effective with the ability to respond flexibly to current and new challenges and issues.


Expected outputs


Missing information and data about the rural population and newcomers’ needs will be shared with all stakeholders; • Data sharing with local, regional and national policy-makers, regional (the Central Bohemian Region) authorities and municipalities (in cooperation with LAGs); • Boosting collaboration and synergy among all rural stakeholders and policy-makers; • Using new modern technologies/methods to handle defined challenges and issues; • Implementing of findings to related policies/strategies on the local, regional and/or national level.

Expected impact (qualitative)


Supporting of the sustainability and resilience of rural areas using new modern technologies/methods and boosting of the attractiveness of rural areas for current rural population and newcomers will be implemented as key topics in local, regional and/or national policies/ strategies and funding programs. New information and data, together with collaboration of all rural stakeholders, will led to well-being of rural population and newcomers.


Policy makers




New entrants



Progress bar

Progress bar can help orient the user in terms of what the pilot was doing, what is happening now and what will happen in the future. While the structure of the bar will be the same for all pilots, its content will differ from pilot to pilot. A dynamic front end with a predetermined colour scheme can be used to differentiate past, present and future, like in the graphic below.


NeEDS gathering


Policy matching


Policy evaluation


Future outlook


Mission orientation

Central Bohemian Region - outcomes

Pilot: cze - team



Meet the Cetral Bohemia Pilot team!

NUVIT is a non-profit non-governmental research organization.

NUVIT activities are primarily focused to enhance the quality of life of inhabitants in urban and rural areas of the country, to boost the competitiveness of the Czech Republic and to ensure the sustainable development.

NUVIT z.ú.

Czech pilot Leader

Czech Center for Science and Society is a research association active in the agriculture, industry, trade and services, predominantly in agricultural regions. The priority of activities of CCSS is Environment protection and crisis management. In this field CCSS is active in European research.

Czech Center for Science and Society

Partner Organisation
Czech University of Life Sciences 

Czech University of Life Sciences

Partner Organisation



POLIRURAL Hub naptárai


Fórumok (Central Bohemian Region - Czech Republic)

  • LN
    Lucie Nencková, módosítva 3 év-val korábban


    0 válasz 1257 megtekintés
  • PK
    Pavel Kogut, módosítva 3 év-val korábban

    Test2 cat

    0 válasz 1354 megtekintés