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Social Space for Smart Regions

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Joint conference 2021

The 25th International Conference on Information Systems for Agriculture and Forestry (ISAF) & 14th Geomatics in Projects & 6th annual conference of Plan4All together with the conference Agriculture 4.0 is keeping the virtual format this year still due to the worldwide situation with COVID-19. 

The main virtual event will be organized on Wednesday 20th October 2021 (held in Czech) and on Thursday 21st October 2021 (held in English).

Registration of participants has been launched on https://forms.gle/UnVMM2dJHyREDpSXA.

Conference is free of charge for registered participants.

1st day – 20th October 2021 

25th International Conference on Information Systems for Agriculture and Forestry (ISAF) & 14th Geomatics in Projects & 6th annual conference of Plan4All will be held in Czech

Topics: Agriculture * Traffic * Culture Heritage * Technology and others.

2nd day – 21st October 2021 

International conference Agriculture 4.0 will be held in English. 

The conference Agriculture 4.0 is organized with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture at the Czech Technology Platform for Agriculture and the EU H2020 project SmartAgriHubs. 

Topics: Smart Farming * Climate * Circular Economy

Conference web: https://kgm.zcu.cz/geomatics-in-projects-2021

There all the main information will be added, the time of the conference will be specified and the program with selected speakers will be updated. The conference link via ZOOM will be sent later to all registered participants

In case of any questions, you can contact organizers on the following email address (just replace Z by @) geomatics.wbuZgmail.com

Media partners: INFO ZČU * GISPortal.cz * Plan4All DIH
Projects supporting the conference: InteCom * AFarCloud * EO4Agri * PoliRural * SIEUSOIL * STARGATE * RDA Czech Republic * LIVERUR * SmartAgriHubs


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The overall ambition is to design, develop and introduce a platform that which will be modified on the base of real experiences during the project and prepare complex solutions, transferable to pilots and other regions. In addition to that, Polirural DIH aims to offer a solution for the global promotion of pilots. This DIH integrated technology, datasets and libraries in one infrastructure with a complex user-oriented portal in the Web environment. The DIH can connect end-users with developers or researchers to improve the impact of the demo applications or case studies by short-chain feedback from end-users. End users can join larger communities around the DIH to get advice, cooperation potential and access to modern technologies utilisation.


Polirural DIH AIMS TO

Provide a social space for a community of practices

Promote pilots work and support access to their analysis

Promote existing best practices

Offer new tools and technologies for testing

Provide access to digital technologies and competencies

Provide access to infrastructure and tests digital innovations (“test before invest”)

Support effective data management

Provide development playground for map-based projects

Offer training and skills development

Help in networking and connecting users and suppliers of digital innovations