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Support a regional foresight pilot. Become a member today!

The 12 PoliRural pilots work with a large community of stakeholders to make their region more attractive, competitive and resilient. These stakeholders come from a variety of backgrounds: rural community, policy, industry, new entrants into agriculture, academia, research. Our pilots are always looking for new people to join a regional stakeholder panel so that together they can turn their rural vision into reality. If you are passionate about rural development and would like to support a regional foresight initiative, we invite you to join PoliRural. As a member, your main contribution would be to provide ideas and feedback at different foresight stages. You will also be informed about interim results and any forthcoming events planned by the project e.g. deep dive workshops, drivers workshops. For an overview of our foresight process, please check this report (D1.8). Your participation is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. Data collected through this form will be used for the purposes of the PoliRural project only. More information on how we will process and handle your data can be found here.


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What happens next?

Our project coordinator will review the submitted form and will then forward it to the relevant pilot leader.

How do you treat my data?

Your name, contact details and other personal information will be stored separately from the research data (e.g. views, opinions, feedback, ideas) collected through surveys, interviews, workshops, or some other means.

How long do you keep my data?

All data will be irreversibly destroyed by 31 May 2025, which is 3 years after the end of the project.

How will my data be stored?

The data will be stored on password protected, encrypted digital devices with the passwords being changed on a regular basis to prevent any unauthorised access. The digital devices will be stored in locked offices and the data will be stored on secure servers at the partner institution responsible for data collection, processing and analysis.

Who can access my data?

The data collected during the pilot activities will be available to the PoliRural researchers only and will not be used for any other purposes. There is no commercial intention behind the collection of the data, and no data will be retained or transferred to third parties apart from backup service.

Who should I contact if I have any questions related to my data?

You can send an email to