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Hana Kubíčková, Plan4all Plan4all association (project partner of the PoliRural project) became one of the 133 Participating Organizations of the...

Runar Bergheim (AVINET), František Zadražil (CCSS) In 2020, despite being more than 20 years into the era of web mapping, surprisingly many...

Ota Cerba, Czech Center for Science and Society (CCSS) Map of regional attractiveness allows presenting the potential of regions from different...

Karel Charvat1, Tony Kubicek2, Simon Leitgeb3, Petr Horak4, Sarka Horakova4 1Czech Centre for Science and Society (CCSS), 2Lesprojekt – sluzby,...

Karel Charvat1, Jiri Kvapil1, Petr Uhlir1, Marek Splichal1, Frantisek Zadrazil1, Petr Vacha1, Raitis Berzins2, Runar Bergheim3, Hana Kubickova4,...

SMARTAGRIHUBS – OPEN CALL ‘RESPOND’ TO COVID-19 IS OPEN! SmartAgriHubs is a €20 M EU project under the Horizon 2020 instrument and...

On 25th and 26th October 2019, PoliRural was presented at “AgriFuture Days 2019”, a conference and workshop with worldwide participation of experts...

will be held on 27 - 30 January 2020 at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague WORKSHOP 3: with PoliRural stakeholders - 28. January 2020...

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